Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A Shriner Freemason Admits To Worshipping Lucifer [Mirrored]

A Shriner Freemason Admits To Worshipping Lucifer [Mirrored]
Mirrored Video Channel: www.youtube.com Mirrored Video: www.youtube.com Mirrored Video Descriptions: I got this amazing clip here truthseeker2473.blogspot.com and thought it deserved wider attention! See my video "Freemasons: THEIR GOD IS THE DEVIL" here: vimeo.com masonic info HERE: libertyfight.741.com and freemasonrywatch.org -------- Founding Fathers Speak Out Against Freemasonry John Quincy Adams, The Sixth President of The United States said "I am prepared to complete the demonstration before God and man, that the Masonic oaths, obligations and penalties, cannot, by any possibility, be reconciled to the laws of morality, of Christianity, or of the land." JQ Adam's letter to Ed. Livingston. Samuel Adams, The Father of the Revolution said: "I am decidedly opposed to all secret societies whatever!" John Hancock, President of the Continental Congress said: "I am opposed to all secret societies." James Madison, The Fourth President of the United States said: "From the numbe! r and character of those who now support the charges against Freemasonry, I cannot doubt that it is at least susceptible of abuse, outweighing any advantages promised by its patrons." ---------------------------------- "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil: that put. darkness for light, and light for darkness: that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter." Isaiah 5:20 "For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood; but against principalities and powers, against the rulers of the world ...

Alexandra Burke - Hallelujah (cover Minnie)

Alexandra Burke - Hallelujah (cover Minnie)
Hey guys!.This is my second video on youtube with song by Leonard cohen and version by Alexandra Burke.I hope,you like it.By the way: This video is for my friend Kejtý and her mom.

Sanctus Real- Forgiven Cover

Sanctus Real- Forgiven Cover
Hey guys, this is my first cover. So please no hater comments, of course I don't mind helpful advice or tips. But I was just sitting in my room playing this song and decided to make a cover. I hope you guys enjoy!!!